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Your knowledge is quite extensive and it appears you have done your homework on stocks related to cancer. It’s a great read and I think for that do it yourself investor your book can be a guide and reference on what stocks to buy. You highlighted the asset categories of stocks well, small, mid-cap and large cap stocks and listed the pharmaceutical companies that fit each asset classification.

My understanding is pharmaceutical stocks are considered defensive stocks because they don’t always follow the economic pattern of the market per se. Regardless of market conditions, good or bad, if you need a pill to save your life you’re going to buy it. I.E. the S&P was down 20% in 2022 and Eli Lilly stock was up 32%.  Once again congratulations on the book and keep up your great work in this area of cancer related stocks that for good reason your passionate about.

—   Review from Ali Rahman on 2/1/2023